Getting Back Up When You’re Down

Today I started off my holiday weekend with a Hero WOD. If you aren't familiar with that term it is a workout that is created in memory of a hero, often a fallen soldier in battle. We do this as a way to honor those heroes, and the workouts are meant to be brutal. I… Continue reading Getting Back Up When You’re Down

How to Stay on Track when the Routine has Changed

When your routine changes, that doesn't mean letting go of your healthy habits.

Compare Yourself to Others: Why this is terrible advice.

The moment of clarity that changed my weight loss game. Forget about what everyone else is doing. It is not easy to do, and I still struggle with it from time to time. If there is one thing I know I excel at, it is being hard on myself. I have this idea of what… Continue reading Compare Yourself to Others: Why this is terrible advice.

5 Excuses Not to Start Your Health/Fitness Goals

Here are 5 common excuses for not achieving your weight loss and fitness goals and why they are totally bogus

Tummy Tuck Update: Getting back to it

I have made it over the hump. Weeks 3, 4, and 5 have been a steady road of improvement. Swelling is down comparably. Life seems to be getting back to normal. I can pick up after the kids (really missed that one), get in and out of the car without thinking about it, sleep a… Continue reading Tummy Tuck Update: Getting back to it

Follow Wodwoman on Instagram! Hi there! I just opened an instagram to post more paleo and fitness ideas, recipes and more. Please follow me so I am not just talking to myself.

Why Paleo?

With all the "dieting" and "lifestyle" options out there it can be overwhelming to choose what is best for you. Here are my reasons for choosing Paleo as my guide to better health.